Author: cfstark77

Meet #21 July 2021; Capital City Classic

101/121 @ Really fun day, CCB meets have always been my favorite – possibly because that’s where I had my first comeback meet back in 2017. The goal on the day was to work a comfortable 6/6 performance, and I ended up doing that with a 101kg snatch and a 121kg clean & jerk. Great […]

Meets # 10-13; USAW online meets due to COVID

Not going to bother putting these videos up at the moment, USAW’s meets went online, montly, starting in May, 2020, and continuing up through the present time of January, 2021. I tore my right knee (meniscus) in April of 2020, and took about 2 months to let it heal up. I participated in June, July, […]

Meet #9 March 2020; Big Bend Spring Meet

I weighed in 80.5kg and then reffed for the ladies session. When that was over, I suited up to lift with the Men’s session. Snatches felt great and I managed a 1kg competition PR at 101kg/222lbs. I cramped up (calves and outer quad) on my 90kg warmup for clean & jerk and knew I needed […]